Constructive Eviction is the illegal, often unethical act or failure to act by a landlord which causes substantial interference with or permanently deprives a tenant from his/her right to quiet enjoyment of the rented premises because they have become uninhabitable and/or unsuitable for the purposes for which they were leased, thereby giving the tenant no […]
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Landlords Can Report Tenants’ On-Time Rental Payments to The Credit Bureau
We have been receiving increased requests from landlords asking how they can report on-time rental payments to credit bureaus to help their tenants improve their credit histories. We have recently found the answer.
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EPA Wants Comments on Lead-Based Paint Exposure
The EPA is seeking public comment on “Approach for Estimating Exposures and Incremental Health Effects from Lead Due to Renovation Repair and Painting Activities in Public and Commercial Buildings” (or Approach). They want to try to determine the public health risks of exposure to lead as the result of renovation, repair and painting activities.
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Controversial Local Rule May Require Landlords to Provide Voting Information to Tenants
Much like the The National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) of 1993 which enhances voting opportunities for every American by making it easier for all Americans to register to vote and to maintain their registration, Westminster City Council in Colorado, is considering a similar rule. Much like the federal NVRA’s requirement that states provide individuals with […]
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Raising The Rent
Landlords are in the rental business to make money, not enemies of their tenants. Rent increases are a foreseeable aspect of every landlord-tenant relationship. Landlords know all too well that financially sound, long-term tenants are the most desirable tenants because they are lower-maintenance and cost less and are less time consuming than having to seek […]
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